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The company HydroMoving Srl was founded through the efforts of the engineer Lorenzo Errico who, with his passion for cars, electronics and innovation with regard to "green tecnologies", involved enthusiasts in his own field giving life to the project HydroMoving.

Why Choose Us

We are the only ones in the world to have a patented technology, tested and certified for the production of oxyhydrogen gas (gas produced from distilled water) on board and on-demand, with electronic injection in the combustion chamber of any type of ICE (gasoline / Diesel etc ..) that reduces polluting emissions by 90%.
The system guarantees a reduction of CO2 one the GHG gas > = 30%.

Our Mission

Seek new solutions that allow the use of oxyhydrogen gas to obtain clean emissions at 100%. The use inside the system of distilled rain water, the condensation water from household air conditioners and the condensation water from the A/C system of the car itself.

Our Ideas

This idea came from the awareness of using the free energy present on earth, exploiting its potential without interfering in its beautiful but delicate equilibrium.

The study, which lasted 10 years, on electrolysis and the theories of the scientists Prof. Preparata and Prof. Del Giudice has enormously contributed to the HydroMoving project.

hydromoving working team


Electronic engineer specialized in electrolytic process calculation



Hydromoving project manager and Director of Reserch and development.

Eng. D.C.

Founder partner- Mechanical engineer, engine designer.


Research & Development Hydromoving System

The research and development department is in charge of the production of the electrolytic cells electronically controlled.

Training Area

Focuses on training technicians and provide them with all the theory on the Hydromoving system. We instruct the technicians how to install and maintain the system.

Customer Care

to be define

Business & Logistic

to be define

About Hydromoving

Hydromoving Srl è l'unica al mondo ad avere una tecnologia brevettata, testata e certificata per la produzione di gas Ossidrogeno ( gas prodotto dall’acqua distillata) on board ed on demand con sistema elettronico di iniezione in camera di scoppio di qualsiasi tipo di motore a combustione interna (benzina/diesel etc ..) che riduce le emissioni inquinanti del 90% .

Tech info