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Saturday, 28 April 2018 21:06

HYDROMOVING - Slideshow - Scientific and technical presentation of the Hydromoving System Featured

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SISTEMA HYDROMOVING - Scientific and technical presentation of the Hydromoving System

Descrizione tecnica dei principi di funzionamento del sistema Hydromoving Compact System – hm01

Fap/Dpf Cleaner ver. 2016

Compact System Pro- hm3250 ver. 2018

Fap-Dpf Cleaner, Engine Displacement 3200-5000

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Download Hydromoving - Scientific and technical presentation of the Hydromoving System Download File_English Version.Pdf

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Download Hydromoving - Scientific and technical presentation of the Hydromoving System Download File_English Version.pptx
Read 2177 times Last modified on Wednesday, 02 May 2018 10:44

About Hydromoving

Hydromoving Srl è l'unica al mondo ad avere una tecnologia brevettata, testata e certificata per la produzione di gas Ossidrogeno ( gas prodotto dall’acqua distillata) on board ed on demand con sistema elettronico di iniezione in camera di scoppio di qualsiasi tipo di motore a combustione interna (benzina/diesel etc ..) che riduce le emissioni inquinanti del 90% .

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